Our story begins with the great-grandfather, Marcellino, who in 1926 buys one of the first cylinder mills for grinding common wheat from which to obtain white flour, replacing an old water mill, then present in the town of Lugo.
The mill was made up of a “white” (for wheat) and “yellow” (for corn) rolling mill, the latter for the production of polenta.
Marcellino continued the activity until the birth of his children, including Alfonso who together with two other brothers also started the oil mill activity. This new production also bears good fruit, so much so that in 1951 a new wheat mill was built, a real innovation for that period.
The work continues well and, given the various needs of customers, with the passage of time the idea of producing mixtures for animals begins to emerge in the Veronesi brothers, using the products obtained from the mills and oil mill. In 1966 the feed mill was built, which will be renewed over the years.
Alongside this processing, the milling of wheat for soft wheat flours continues, addressed to bakeries, pizzerias, confectionery industries, etc., giving great importance to the choice of raw materials, including their origin.
The Company
Molini Veronesi
Alfonso is succeeded by his sons Valerio and Daniele who continue their activities with commitment and professionalism, up to another generation, the current one, carried on by Valerio’s children: Elena, Alberto and Enrico who follow the idea of tradition, quality and origin of raw materials, service and research.
Elena, Alberto and Enrico, after years of intense commitment, thanks to their passion and dedication; today I am able to offer a genuine and healthy variety of products such as sweet, savory, pasta.
Without forgetting their support for making barley and wheat known.
Barley is a food rich in beta-glucans (soluble fibers with a hypocholesterolemic and hypoglycaemic action), substances capable of impeding the hepatic synthesis of cholesterol.
Veronesi have thus developed a range of products with at least 70% barley.
To complete their work, Elena, Alberto and Enrico, since October 2011, with a new and creative marketing support, have created a line of products for our table, of high quality that covers the daily needs of each individual family.
In just one year, the Veronesi brothers were able to make themselves known and appreciated, as well as for the quality of their products, also for their seriousness and effective system in customer service; divulging the Molini Veronesi line in northern Italy, with the aim of further developing the national and international market.
Per qualsiasi informazione chiama +39 045 880 1133 o scrivi a info@moliniveronesi.it
Amiamo quello che facciamo e adoriamo parlarne.